The ANGRY CLOUD Radio Hour: The Connect THOSE Dots Podcast
I'm frustrated with the state of politics and the social landscape in this state and country, I'm sure you are too. But really drives me crazy is the disconnect between what people say they want and the actions they take. They react, sometimes without connecting the dots and contemplating what those reactions can mean down the road, especially about things they DO care about. Through conversations with folks in politics, technology, the arts and more, I hope to help people connect the dots and understand how they can move beyond screaming into the void or taking the road of apathy and nihilism, and start engaging in constructive civil action.
Episode 1: The Upcoming TX Legislative Session with Jason Sabo
Episode 3: Fighting Human Trafficking and the Intricacies of Passing Legislation with Caroline Roberts of Children at Risk
Episode 2: Voting, Vouchers and Community Voices with Lana Hansen