Scribbled in Brooklyn, consciousness gained in Austin, ANGRY CLOUD populates the poles and walls of the city, owning the raw, often unpleasant thoughts and feelings that its creator prefers to ignore in his even-keeled and rational existence. DESCND is the result of the work of the ANGRY CLOUD, allowing its creator to move past these feelings to reach a state of balance and positivity.
For ANGRY CLOUD > DESCND’s creator, moving to Austin in 2011 awoke a need to bring his work back into the public space. Inspired by the rich music culture's use of electric poles and other common places to reach people, he brought his ANGRY CLOUD character out of his sketchbooks and began to populate the city with it. He found such spaces to be ideal places for the public to connect with his work on a daily basis. He hoped then, as he does now, to inspire people to take back their public space in an increasingly corporate, glossy, cityscape.
ANGRY CLOUD > DESCND started with a rudimentarily drawn character using recycled cardboard, a material that is not only easily available but also comes with a life and story of its own that ANGRY CLOUD > DESCND's creator often incorporates into his work. As he progressed, he used other reused materials while exploring and refining ANGRY CLOUD itself, using it to express both passing feelings as well as more concrete ideas.
Working through ANGRY CLOUD, the artist experienced moments of calm and balance where his angst, fear, and anger seemed momentarily transcended- seemingly falling out of him- from whence the image of DESCND appeared in his brain. The combination of the two helped give structure to the continuous cycle and evolution of his work.